The Crochet Virus

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There’s a lot going on in the world right now. And although the coronavirus started in Wuhan city in China, the COVID-19 virus is now close to home, wherever you are. This global pandemic has altered our routines and our lives, with weeks if not months of disease developments before things return to normal (if ever).

I work in healthcare as a bedside nurse in a public access hospital. Our policies are constantly changing to keep up with national health recommendations and the spread of disease. We are gearing up for a huge increase in patient census due to both COVID-19 itself and our special ability to care for patients with limited or no health insurance. Between my hospital job, social media, panic buying in the community, and limited ability to interact with others, I feel like I can’t get away from the novel coronavirus.

This is where crochet comes in. Crochet has truly been my only escape from what is going on in the world today. I have always loved this craft because it allows me to relax while also being productive (see my blog post on the reasons why I love crochet here). In the past couple of weeks, I have found that I am relying on my yarn so much more to bring a sense of normalcy to my routine. When my heart and mind are buzzing full of new developments and brimming with anxiety, I can mindlessly work a simple repeat pattern or work up an item that requires a lot of concentration. Crochet has been the perfect distraction for me, for whichever way I need distraction. This craft allows me to either clear my mind of everything going on in the world or fill my thoughts with yarn. I can crochet at least six feet from others in the comfort of my home while I remain socially distanced as much as I can. As I take time for myself during this stressful period, I feel that I’ve caught the crochet virus instead of the coronavirus.

I encourage you to find something to create during this time of turmoil. Do something that you love and that brings you fulfillment. Make some time to escape from the things that cause you stress. During this pandemic, catch the crochet bug.

Have you caught the crochet virus as you’ve tried to stay healthy in spite of COVID-19? Let me know on Instagram @crowchetcreations or through the hashtag #crowchetcreations or in the comments below!

XO, Emily