Lost Your “CroJo”? Helpful Tips to Get You Out of Your Funk

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Here we are, three weeks into 2021. While you may have established some awesome and realistic goals for the year, by now life is wearing you down. You’ve seen some productive days, but lately you are feeling out of your typical groove. With a new year we expect some positive change in our lives and it can be hard to lose momentum in making those changes.

While it is totally expected to have some ups and downs, especially when it comes to your creative outlet, it can be hard to know how to refresh and restart. I recently got into a really big funk where I didn’t really want to do anything but watch YouTube. And that’s totally okay sometimes! But after I realized that this was actually pretty common, especially around this time of year, I brainstormed some ideas for how to get out of this rut.

A “Just Because” Project

As a creator, you probably have quite a list of things you want or need to work on. Sometimes having a to-do list can wear you down when it seems to never end. Don’t be afraid to break away from the projects you already have planned and do something spontaneous! If inspiration strikes and you want to make something off your to-do list, it can be really good for your creative energy to let loose and make it! Your other projects will still be there when you finish this refreshing exercise. When we feel like there is a lot to do, our hobbies can turn into chores. Don’t forget to make a project just because it interests you if you ever fall into a creative slump.

A Project for Someone Else

Whenever I am having a hard time, whether creatively or personally, service really helps me to get outside of myself and think of others. When I forget about myself, my own struggles seem more manageable and I can return to my routine with fresh eyes and a fresh heart. By using my time and talents to make something for another person, I gain the benefits of serving them and can reset my creative mind. And I think we all want to donate more to homeless shelters or make more handmade gifts for our loved ones, so now is the perfect time to channel your creativity for another person.

I made this blanket, pacifier clip, and bib set for my sister-in-law’s new baby boy.

A Project You Have Always Wanted to Do

If your creativity is lacking and you are feeling down, you should make time for a project you have always wanted to do. Forget everything else that is on your list that is sapping your creative energy and take the plunge to do something you want to do for yourself. You literally have no reason to avoid your dream project anymore- just start! Your passion will help fuel you to work on that creative thing, and once you start you will pick up some creative momentum.

A Different Craft Project

If you are like me, you spend most of your creative energy just doing one thing (for me it’s crochet). But I love doing anything crafty! When I lack the focus or will to work on my list of crochet patterns and market makes, I switch things up and do something creative that is unrelated. I have supplies for watercolor and polymer clay, and well as some brush pens and scrapbook papers for paper crafts. I’m not good at any of these other crafts, but it helps me relax and reset my brain when I do something creative that is not related to my creative business. And if you don’t already have another artistic outlet beyond your go-to, I highly suggest you find something different to do when you are struggling creatively.

A Project for Instant Gratification

These wristlets are the perfect quick project- they only take 20 minutes to make!

I get hung up on the things I need to get done because they often take a while or have many steps towards completion. When I lack the motivation to work on one of these big tasks, I start by doing a small project that will bring me instant gratification. As I fasten off a scrunchie or hair bow, I feel more accomplished and have a greater desire to keep making things. It’s like Newton’s first law of motion- an object at rest will stay at rest until acted upon by an outside force. That object is me when I am sitting on the couch watching YouTube. I can usually muster up the creative willpower to do a quick project and that gets me off the couch and ready to make some progress on the larger tasks I want to do for my crochet business.

A Forever Work-In-Progress Project

This one is a bit harder to accomplish, but the payoff is huge. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has a box of works-in-progress (WIPs), many of which have been sitting there for months if not years. I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I can bet that you also have a project that has been sitting around for too long. It can be hard to get back to a perpetual WIP, but when you actually finish it (finally!) you will feel so productive.

A Project to Organize Your Supplies

The disheveled mess that used to be my yarn stash.

When you need some creative inspiration, you can turn to your own materials. By organizing your crafting supplies, you will realize things that you forgot you had or projects you had planned but never carried out. And as you take time to set your things in order, your tidying will reduce your mental clutter and prepare clearer work spaces. While some people thrive in chaos, usually our creativity expands when we have space to work and know where our supplies are. If the task of creating something is too daunting, you can always set aside some time to revamp your storage and reorganize your things. Doing so will help prepare you to be more creative and may even introduce you to some inspiration.

Not a Project

Lastly, while there are so many ways you can creatively get yourself out of a funk, don’t forget to put yourself and your needs first. Sometimes you can recover from working to make something, but sometimes you need to step away and do something else. It’s okay to take a break from your craft, even if that is your small business, if you need a break. Take a bath, watch a show with your family, go on a walk. Set aside time to read a book or go camping or even do nothing. You don’t need to always do a project. Sometimes you just need time to refresh and be away from your craft in order to rekindle your creativity.

Let me know how you are reenergizing your creativity in the comments below or on Instagram @crowchetcreations. Whatever you do, make sure to take any time you need to take care of yourself if you’ve lost your crojo.

XO, Emily

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