How and Why I Keep My Hobby and My Business Separate on Sundays

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Managing work-life balance is not a new concept, especially for a small business owner. While I try to ensure I make time for fun projects in addition to business ventures, I make an extra point to leave my Sundays apart from anything I do for Crowchet Creations. Read on to find out how and why!

I made a YouTube Sunday Day In The Life vlog so you can see how I try to put this into practice on a typical Sunday. Click here to check out my Sunday Vlog video on Youtube! As always, I would love your support on my fledgling YouTube channel, so please subscribe to my channel if you want to see more from me. I intend to make more crafting vlogs, process videos, and DITL of a Work-At-Home-Mom style videos. I even have some tutorials and *maybe* even a podcast in the works. Let me know if there is any content that you would love to see from me!

It is really hard to keep my business and my hobby separate, especially when they overlap so much. After all, I started doing Crowchet Creations because of the joy it brought me to crochet! Although I am certainly not perfect at compartmentalizing my craft into work and play, I aim to keep my Sundays free from work-related projects.

What Do I Do on Sundays?

What kinds of projects do I avoid on Sundays? Like I said above, I avoid working on Sundays if I can. And while I don’t make very much money from Crowchet Creations, I plan on continuing to grow this business! Any activity that would get me a paycheck, or has the potential to make me an income in the future, is something I try to avoid on Sundays. This includes working on my own pattern designs, crocheting items to sell for custom orders or markets, or updating my blog.

I do this because I want to keep Sunday, my sabbath day, as holy as possible. I find that the day feels just like any other day if I work, so I try to fill my time with worship, family time, and self care. And of course yarn has a big role in my life, even on Sundays! I just make sure that the projects I work on are more closely aligned with my goals for worship, family, and self care.

During church, I like to work on a simple project to keep my hands busy and my mind focused. This helps me to listen more intently to the sermon so that I can feel connected spiritually with the speaker’s message. I like to make time to work on projects I intend to gift to my family or other loved ones since it helps me to build my relationships with them. Recently, I finished a pair of socks for my husband that I worked on most Sundays the preceding weeks. I also make a point to crochet or knit things that simply bring me joy and help me relax. Those projects can be volunteer pattern tests for other designers or patterns I purchased for use. Crocheting and knitting on Sundays is less about deadlines and goals and more about finding time to relax, feel productive, and center myself for the coming week.

Dad Joke Socks by @blacksquirrelberkeley, in Emma’s Yarn Practically Perfect Sock in Elephant for my hubby’s birthday

I am definitely NOT perfect at keeping my Sundays free from work, and I can always make my sabbath more spiritual and holy. But I am trying to make time on Sundays for the things that matter most to ground myself spiritually before the trials of the week hit. Since I delineate which projects I work on if it is a Sunday, I am much more intentional with my craft/hobby on that day than during the rest of the week. For me, that intention contributes a lot to my ability to feel the Spirit and come closer to my Savior.

Should You Limit Your Sunday Crafting?

I am clearly biased when I say this, but I think you should definitely be more intentional about what crocheting and knitting you do on Sundays (or whatever your holy day is). Whether you are religious or not, everyone needs a break from work. Doing so can be refreshing and rejuvenating. It can help you to refocus on your goals for the rest of the work week. In general, I think we need to allow ourselves to slow down more to spend time with ourselves and our loved ones. Crochet and knitting does that for me! But if I am so focused on a deadline for a magazine, or editing my recent pattern design, or making toys as fast as my hands can go for an upcoming market, I miss out on connecting with my spirit, my family, and myself. And while I make time for yarn on Sundays (it’s my favorite hobby, after all!), I also do other crafts and activities that bring me joy! I like to work with polymer clay, sew, and bake on Sundays, depending on what I feel like doing. I have less stress about my projects and can do what feels best.

It is hard having a small creative business where I feel like I could spend every instance working towards growing my business. Sundays are a day for me to disconnect with that pressure and remember my ultimate purpose for having this small business. I do Crowchet Creations because I love to crochet and want to share that in a modern way with others!

This cardigan pattern test for @knitsnknotswpg brought me so much joy to make! I used Explorer Knits & Fibers in the colorways Linen and Sweater Weather.

I really wanted to share with you my reasons for differentiating my crafting on Sundays, as well as what I like to work on to hopefully inspire you. I hope you carve out some time for God, others, or yourself each week so that you are more able to give your all to your small craft business the other six days if you choose. I would love to hear what you like to do on Sundays to keep yourself balanced and centered! Definitely share in the comments below or you can connect with me on Instagram @CrowchetCreations or through the hashtag #CrowchetCreations. Happy making, on Sundays and every day in between!

XO, Emily